Long-Awaited Half-Life-Style Game is Finally Announced

Bleakmill officially unveiled INDUSTRIA 2, a sequel to their 2021 "Half-Like" FPS.

Following six months of anticipation and dozens of impressive showcases, the Bleakmill team has finally announced its upcoming narrative-driven FPS, revealing it to be INDUSTRIA 2, a long-awaited sequel to the team's 2021 "half-like" action FPS set in Cold War-era East Berlin, INDUSTRIA.

Set years after the events of the original game, INDUSTRIA 2 places players in the shoes of Nora, a female protagonist stranded in a parallel dimension. After constructing a machine to return to her home dimension, 1989 East Berlin, Nora has to confront her past, particularly her involvement in the creation of an unstoppable AI named ATLAS.

As a player, you'll be tasked with exploring, scavenging, and battling through a mysterious boreal landscape under the control of ATLAS. The game offers an immersive, slow-paced gameplay experience, featuring physics-based interactions, weapon upgrades, crafting mechanics, and a diegetic inventory.

Powered by Unreal Engine 5, the sequel promises a narrative-driven story in a unique setting that blends vast boreal nature with sprawling, otherworldly machine structures. And thanks to the engine's Lumen tool, the game delivers next-generation visuals, ensuring every robotic enemy and half-life-style environment exude unparalleled immersion.

"This is big for us. We made the prequel INDUSTRIA in our free time, next to job and uni, released in '21. Now we are back with proper funding with some of us working full time!" commented the developer. "Thank you everyone for your ongoing support. It always sounds cheesy but it's literally just the truth: we would not be here without the people who played the first game or shared our work on socials."

At the moment, the game appears to be in early development, with its release date remaining undisclosed. You can learn more about INDUSTRIA 2 and wishlist the upcoming game by clicking this link. We also highly recommend visiting the game's official Twitter page to check out the stunning demos shared by the team prior to the announcement.

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Published 22 March 2024
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content