Battle of the Bastards was one one of the best episodes of HBO’s Game Of Thrones. It’s the only episode that got

Battle of the Bastards was one one of the best episodes of HBO’s Game Of Thrones. It’s the only episode that got 10/10 at IMDB. Thousands of soldiers battled to define the ruler of Winterfell and that was amazing! We don’t want to spoil anything, but you can’t create a battle without talented VFX team. HBO’s decision was to hire Australian VFX studio Iloura for blending close-ups, actual crowd shots and a ton of CGI. Take a look at Iloura’s behind-the-scenes video on creating the ninth episode.

Battle of the Bastards is shocking in its audacity. More shocking still that we pulled it off and so much credit for that goes to Iloura. We are up close and personal in this battle with CG horses and collisions right in front of the lens and we constantly needed to review Iloura’s shots side by side with the photography because it was hard to remember and even harder to see the difference between what was shot and what was added. Amazing.

Steve Kullback, VFX Producer

Source: Iloura

Published 01 July 2016
Arti Sergeev
Business Head