Marmoset Toolbag 3 Channel Display Shader

A free shader on Gumroad by Lee Devonald.

3D Artist Lee Devonald released his channel display shader for Marmoset Toolbag 3 on Gumroad for free.

This shader is said to mimic the Marmoset Viewer channel display feature, allowing you to post detailed breakdowns of your materials in high resolution.

One note i would make: 

Local Reflections will show up as they are a screenspace effect, so if you’re getting an almost fresnel like effect, make sure to disable that. 

Currently using Skin or Microfibre diffuse settings will cause some “bleed” into gloss/reflectivity. I’m working on removing that, but it won’t be easy as i don’t have access to certain things.

Lee Devonald 

Make sure to check out the artist’s works here

Get the pack

Published 08 August 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head