Marvelous Designer Will Stop Selling Perpetual Licenses

Important announcement from the MD team.

The Marvelous Designer team announced that they will stop selling perpetual licenses of all types of products starting with the release of version 10, "in order to provide the best support and software version management." 

"The version upgrade discount for the existing perpetual licenses will be maintained," added the team. If you have a perpetual license, you will be eligible for upgrading version up to Marvelous Designer 12, with the same price based on the current 3-versions-back upgrade policy."

Starting with the release of version 10, all their products will only be subscription-based. A subscription license will allow you to use the latest version during a certain period of time. 

You can find the original post and learn about discounts here

Published 12 July 2020
Arti Sergeev
Business Head