Mass Effect lead writer to leave BioWare for Bungie

Mass Effect: Andromeda lost its lead writer when Chris Schlerf after working for less than five months decided to move to Bungie. Writer

Mass Effect: Andromeda lost its lead writer when Chris Schlerf after working for less than five months decided to move to Bungie.

Writer previously responsible for 343 Industries’ Halo 4 joined BioWare last year to work on next installment of Mass Effect, but this Monday night on Twitter he announced his own dismissal.

Despite his dismissal Schlerf states that working on Mass Effect was one of his best experiences and, in the end, this game will blow people away. It is worth mentioning that Chris Schlerf is not the first to leave the studio.

Still it is unclear what this departure means for Mass Effect franchise. You can read Chris Schlerf’s whole statement on Twitter.



Published 17 February 2016
Arti Sergeev
Business Head