Maxon Added 4K Premium Tiled Textures to Capsules Collection

Over 50 textures are designed to bring photorealism to artists' renderings by imperfections to the surfaces of 3D objects.

Maxon announced the addition of over 50 4K premium tiled textures to the Capsules collection. The textures are designed to bring photorealism to artists' works by adding minor flaws to the surfaces of 3D objects.

The greyscale maps feature a mix of scratches, dust specs, smudges, fingerprints, hairs, residue, and isolated fingerprints, all scanned from real surfaces and tiled. The Surface Imperfections Volume 1 texture library was created by David Gruwier and is available for free to all Cinema 4D and Maxon One subscribers.

Maxon suggests the following examples of uses:

  • Glossiness or Anisotropy Maps to add realistic surface imperfections to reflective surfaces such as glass, metal and plastic.
  • Bump Maps for realistic micro-scratches, for creating subtle impurities in materials like plastic, paint and more.
  • Extra Detail on windows, monitors, mirrors and other reflective surfaces that require that extra glint of realism.
  • Texture Painting stamps and brushes source material. 
  • Masks for layered materials and procedural shaders.
  • Overlays on lens flares and glare in compositing, emulating dirty lenses or camera housing.
  • Mix with plain colors in your materials to break them up and add variation, because no surface color is perfect.

You can find the Surface Imperfections collection of textures in the Cinema 4D Asset Browser in the Textures/Imperfections category or by searching for "si-v1."

Check out the collection here and don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 22 June 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor