Modular ImpactFX for UE4

Check out an incredible VFX pack by Yoeri Vleer filled with impact-related customizable effects.

Check out an incredible VFX pack by Yoeri Vleer filled with impact-related customizable effects. You can control all the effects with the help of tweakable parameters. Basically, you can create a near unlimited-amount of effects.

Lets make something clear: This is not just a regular pack with some effects, but a fully fleshed out toolbox filled to the brim with impact related effects which are all tweakable trough material instances, usage of the dynamic module, and cascade. This allows you to create a near unlimited amount of effects.

Because of this I am providing many video tutorials that allow you/the user to easily create additional content to really make it your own and match the style of the (stylized) game you are going for.

This package will save you a lot of money, time, and can last you your entire project or projects.

Especially once you start adding your own new textures, instances, and effects, and really make it your own!

Yoeri Vleer 


  • 500 different effects available!
  • Clean and easy readable Master Materials so you or the artist working with the package can easily tweak, adjust, or add additional functionality to it without having to work trough the cluttered garbage most marketplace packages suffer from.
  • Material Instances allowing for very detailed customization, allowing you to really express yourself.
  • Clean Cascade setups for a fast & optimal workflow. Basic LOD’s are already in place.
  • Will come with a dozen or two examples to showcase what you can do with the package.

You can find more details on the pack here

Buy the pack

Published 24 January 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head