Mosaic: A Dark Game About Adult Life

Here's an atmospheric new game about the horrors of adult life you might like. 

Mosaic is described as a dark surrealistic and atmospheric adventure game that will tell a story about urban isolation and "the dread of being a piece in giant machinery you can’t understand."

Krillbite Studio, the developers Among the Sleep, created the game as a letter to the lonely adult life many of us know quite good. What you'll probably like about it is its dark tones and visual style that recreate the horrors of adult life perfectly.

"The phone is distracting you with meaningless notifications as you move through anonymous crowds on your way to work at a megacorporation where yet another long day with overtime awaits."

Mosaic will be released on December 5. You can learn more about the game on Steam.

Published 26 November 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head