New NVIDIA Studio Driver Available

NVIDIA presented their latest NVIDIA Studio Driver that provides optimal support for the latest releases of top creative tools, including Maxon’s Cinema 4D R21 update.

Released this week, Cinema 4D R21 brings a number of features including a new Caps and Bevel system for extruding, shaping and animating 3D text and a new Force Field dynamics object permits optimized motion graphics. There’s also support for a new materials system, which simplifies selection of materials available within any supported 3D renderer like Redshift, for example, which is a GPU-accelerated renderer that uses NVIDIA CUDA and OptiX for denoising. Redshift will also add OptiX support for RTX ray tracing in the nearest future.

What is more, the Studio driver features improved support for recent updates to the following apps:

  • Maxon Cinema 4D R21,
  • Epic Games Unreal Engine 4.23,
  • Adobe Lightroom Classic 8.4,
  • Adobe Substance Designer 2019.2,
  • Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio 16.0.

You can learn more here.

Published 08 September 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head