New Source Control System by Michael Allar

Let’s help Michael Allar fund his new source control initiative for the game development world.

Let’s help Michael Allar fund his new source control initiative for the game development world. Most source control systems are about advanced features which are not that useful when it comes to smaller projects. The thing is that Michael can change the situation. 

Here is a piece of his message:

I believe there is a place for a source control that is essentially a dumber version of Perforce. In my career’s journey, I’ve played with most source control systems and I feel that all of them focus on ‘advanced features’ that end up adding both complexity and cost to source control. In production, a lot of these complex features tend to cause bad UX decisions which ultimately lead to people locking the entire depot or causing issues that a server/build admin need to fix. These things should not happen.

I’m not looking to create a super enterprise level system. I want to create a sane solution where your small game dev teams of 20 people or less can get stuff done quicker without the need of having one guy who is specialized in how to hand out source control passwords or create build pipeline scripts.

I believe that given some start-up funding, I could create what the game development world is missing. Simple and sane source control. Much of technology lately is innovating in terms of simplicity, for example; Slack was disruptive because of its simplicity, further disrupted by Discord’s even more simple nature. It is time source control got the same treatment.

Michael Allar

You can learn more and support the project here

Published 16 November 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head