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New Tales: A New Developer & Publisher Formed by Blizzard Veterans

The team plans to develop their own games and serve as a publisher.

A new publishing and development studio New Tales, comprised of Blizzard veterans, has announced its launch. The Paris-based company plans to develop its own games and IPs and provide publishing services to other game developers. The company will be led by its President and CEO Cédric Maréchal, who has worked for companies like Blizzard, Vivendi Games, SEGA, and Cryo, and served as International Senior Vice-President of Activision Blizzard.

The team also includes other Activision Blizzard veterans such as Benoit Dufour as Chief Operating Officer, Delphine Le Corre as Chief Growth Officer, and Emmanuel Obert as Chief Content Officer. They will be supported by three senior advisers, namely Kim Gresko, former Composite Artist at LucasArts, Ray Gresko, previous Global Chief Development Officer at Blizzard, and Julia Humphreys, former Overwatch Production Director at Blizzard.

“We have formed a team of passionate gamers with an unrivaled degree of experience, having grown some of the biggest IPs and player communities,” comments Cédric Maréchal. “Gaming has rarely seen such an exciting time, fuelled by tons of innovation and creativity. However, the frequency of new releases keeps rising rapidly, reinforcing the need for great international publishing. New Tales is a one-stop-shop publishing solution where we’re going to work with developers, as one united team, dedicated to maximizing success. We are also building our internal production capabilities to develop our own games and IPs."

You can learn more about the newly-formed studio here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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