Nintendo Finally Reveals Metroid Prime 4 Release Window

Nintendo kept it from fans for 7 long years.

Nintendo re-announced Metroid Prime 4: Beyond with a new trailer during Nintendo Direct. The game will be released in 2025.

"The galaxy’s greatest bounty hunter Samus Aran will embark on a new mission,” Nintendo said in its PR. “Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, a new entry in the Metroid Prime series, is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2025."

Metroid Prime 4 was first unveiled in 2017 in the works at Bandai Namco, reportedly. Then the development restarted in 2019, this time, under Retro Studios, and not much has been known about it since.

Based on the trailer, we'll see a modern, smooth experience as well as familiar characters and sceneries.

The game is rumored to be the last title on the current Switch, with Nintendo planning to release its successor this fiscal year, so we'll most likely see it in the first months of 2025.

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Published 19 June 2024
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor