No Man's Sky Fans Created a Valueless In-Game Cryptocurrency

It is set to reward players who contribute to the game's community and can't be exchanged for real-world money.

A group of No Man's Sky fans known as The Galactic Hub has recently created a new cryptocurrency for the game called Hub Coin. The new currency is valueless in its design and intended to address the lack of an endgame economy in the game.

If you are not familiar with The Galactic Hub, it is a No Man’s Sky player community that was formed when the game first launched. When No Man's Sky was released in 2016, the majority of players did not receive the game well criticizing it for the lack of co-op experiences. Meanwhile, The Galactic Hub decided to stick to the game anyway and make it more enjoyable for players by bringing people together. It even evolved to a point when it became a real civilization inside the No Man's Sky's galaxy which has its own holidays, symbols, and architectural signposts. 

Moreover, The Galactic Hub has recently decided to address one of the game's long-running issues – the one that concerns the end game content. The problem that the community encountered is that many players finish the game with a huge amount of credits and they have nothing to spend them on as by that time they already have the ability to duplicate items. Besides, players may need some help with designing, building, or customizing the base, so The Galactic Hub introduced a way to reward the players that help you.

The community decided to create its own in-game economy and implemented a cryptocurrency named Hub Coin which can be used to pay players for their in-game efforts. It runs on an Etherium testnet which is essentially a testing environment for cryptocurrency, so the coins don't have a real-world value. 

The Galactic Hub noted that it deliberately chose to create the valueless currency so that it can't be exchanged for actual money as the ability to cash out money from a game would make the game less fun and make it look like work instead.

The purpose of the Hub Coin, according to The Galactic Hub, is to reward the players who contribute to the community in some way. For instance, players can earn these coins by joining The Galatic Hub's Discord and doing simple social tasks like filling out a Wiki, or helping with building a base for another player by working as an architect, interior designer, construction material supplier, electrician, or even as an investor.

You can learn more about the game's community and its new cryptocurrency here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 04 July 2022
Ana Kessler