No Man’s Sky NEXT New Trailer

The new upgrade to the notorious game shows much better procedurally generated worlds and pushes the visuals of N

The new upgrade to the notorious game shows much better procedurally generated worlds and pushes the visuals of NMS to a new level.

People forget. Remember when No Man’s Sky just got out to the shelves as a PlayStation 4 exclusive? Remember the hate and disgust? Apparently, it’s all over now. Hello Games did a lot of work back then. They’ve seriously updated the game, added a bunch of features, upgraded the world-building algorithms and created what looks like the whole new game. They even came up with the new title for it: No Man’s Sky NEXT. Here’s the trailer.

We actually want to believe that it’s true and this project won’t be another massive disappointment. The design of the locations looks awesome. The vegetation actually looks beautiful. Underwater environments impress. Third-person camera is definitely a good addition. Plus there’s genuine multiplayer finally. Let’s hope this all works out and we could actually play it.

Published 17 July 2018
Kirill Tokarev