Palette: an AI-Powered Image Colorizer

Another problem solved using AI.

Take a look at Palette – a colorizer app that brings life to black-and-white photos using the power of AI. Of course, you can use it with any kind of image, not just old photos, but the idea of filling a memory with colors sounds especially beautiful.

All you need to do is upload the picture you want to colorize and let the AI work its magic. There are different palettes, think of them as Instagram filters, and you can even see the text description of what the AI "sees" in the image and what the colors are based on, similar to text-to-image models like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. You can change that text to customize the lighting, colors, or other details. 

The creator Emil Wallner shared some tips on how to write prompts if you want to control the process:

  • Include all objects that have color information: a brick house, sky, flowers, or food market.
  • If it does not detect a hand, you can add 'skin tones, fingers, hand, arm', etc.
  • Avoid saying direct colors like 'a red dress', instead say 'a cherry dress', or 'flamingo dress'.
  • If you use words such as 1910, also add something like 'in color film', otherwise, the AI will assume it's black-and-white.
  • Add terms used in photography or color names.

And if you don't have anything in mind, just click the "Surprise me" button and see what you can get. You can watch the tutorial here.

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Published 07 October 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor