Particle-Based Curtain Simulation Made in VRChat

The project is created by Mykhailo Moroz.

Mykhailo Moroz, Lead 3D Research Engineer at ZibraAI, has presented a new cool GPU particle-based curtain simulation made in VRChat. He used texture particle buffer and fragment shader-based physics to make the simulation. There are also two cameras to capture the scene depth from up/down for collision. The creator is also planning to use a mesh for rendering later.

If you like the effect, you should definitely take a look at other works from Mykhailo, like this real-time water simulation:

Check out Mykhailo's projects here and don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

Published 13 December 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor