Pauline Boiteux on Creating Traditional Fabrics in Substance Designer

Texturing and lighting artist Pauline Boiteux shared the details of creating fabrics in Substance Designer inspired by traditional textiles around the world. 

In Substance Magazine, Pauline Boiteux discussed the production of her recent project for Substance Source, a collection of traditional fabrics inspired by different cultures in the world. 

She discussed her approach to references, working with the parameters to recreate possible physical damage of each cloth from time and the sunlight, and gave a little insight into each textile — the history and traditional production of it. Pauline also talked about her path in CG, how she found her own niche in the industry, met the Substance team, and end up working with big companies in the fashion industry. 

Read the full article in Substance Magazine. If you’d like to learn more about Pauline’s approach to fabrics, then check out her tutorial on Advanced Pattern and Fabric Creation where she focused on the procedural approach to pattern generation and material creation.

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Published 30 November 2020
Ellie Harisova