PlayStation & Firewalk Studios Team Up For A New Multiplayer IP

Sony Interactive Entertainment and ProbablyMonsters teamed up to launch a brand-new project.

Sony Interactive Entertainment and ProbablyMonsters revealed the PlayStation team will be the exclusive publishing partner for the first game from ProbablyMonsters' Firewalk Studios. Firewalk's first AAA multiplayer game in development does not have a planned release window yet, but we're sure we'll hear more from them soon.

"As a next-generation AAA studio and part of the ProbablyMonsters family, we’ve carefully assembled an amazing and diverse team of best-in-class talent who are focused on creating these moments. Everyone here brings a deep passion for games and the art of making them," wrote Tony Hsu, Studio Head at Firewalk Studios. "We have a saying at Firewalk: build a great team, build a great game. One leads directly to the other. The ProbablyMonsters’ world-class operations teams and infrastructure has allowed us to focus on doing both better: fostering a sustainable development culture where people come first and delivering great games."

The studio has a number of veterans on its team. Ryan Ellis, their Game Director, was a Creative Director on Destiny. Elena Siegman, the Executive Producer, was a producer on Guitar Hero II, Bioshock Infinite, and Destiny. Members of the team have also contributed to the development of Mass Effect and Apex Legends.

"For our team, the opportunity to create new worlds and inspire more amazing moments for players around the world is the fire and ambition that keeps us going," added Hsu. "The PlayStation team has a deep love and respect for the medium of games, and some of the best expertise and capabilities in the world to help make big ambitions a reality."

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Published 22 April 2021
Arti Sergeev
Business Head