Polybrush 1.5 Released

A huge update with new interface, bones mode and a couple of new tools.

Arseniy Korablev has presented v 1.5 of Polybrush. The tool now has an updated interface and no problems with UI scaling on high resolution screens.

Bones became a mode, so there are two of them now: by points (bones) and drawing (the usual one). The new mode is said to be working great with precise forms. 

Polybrush 1.5 also has a couple of new tools:

  • ‘Surface’ tool to create a surface between the bones. You can adjust the thickness,  smoothing, add waves. Useful to make machinery surfaces or cloth.
  • ‘Pipes’ tool to create pipes, armature, frames etc. Replaces bones to smooth pipes with any section. Automatically creates the necessary compound on branches.

Users of older versions get this update for free. Or you can try a free version for 90 days and then buy Polybrush for $20 per year.

Published 24 January 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head