Polygonflow Announced

Adnan Chaumette, a former Content Evangelism Lead at Quixel, announced the creation of a new software company.

Polygonflow's team wants to create a new breed of next-generation tools that work straight within all major DCCs and game engines, according to the company's founder. 

The project is still in an early development phase and they're now seeking skilled specialists. They're also working on a tech demo to show the power of their ecosystem.

The team wants to focus their work on a new concept around which tools are made, shared, and maintained. Their flagship software GraphN is a visual programming toolkit that is said to provide artists and technical artists with the most powerful and accessible plugins creation platform. The new platform mixes modern scripting pipelines and "an unparalleled visual programming interface".

You can learn more about the new project here

Published 02 July 2020
Arti Sergeev
Business Head