Portal 2 Developer Says the Intro was Inspired by Super Metroid

Valve's former Project Lead explained how Portal was tied to its sequel and how the tutorial sequence came to be.

Josh Weier, Valve's former Project Lead and Portal 2 developer, shared that the game's intro was inspired by Super Metroid – SNES action-adventure game from 1994.

In an interview with Kiwi Talkz, Weier said that the problem the team had with Portal 2 was how to teach the mechanics to the players who hadn't played the first game and not make the old players learn Portal all over again. Weier thought that to solve this issue and connect the first game to the second, the team should make the player go through the Aperture Science Enrichment Center "backwards", the idea inspired by Super Metroid.

Weier also talks about Portal 2's mechanics, storytelling, design, and numerous problems the team encountered during the development. Despite the challenges, the game is loved by many to this day and will soon come to Switch.

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Published 02 March 2022
Olga Gafarova
Junior Editor