Procedural Dioramas with Houdini

Anders Schei from DICE showed his experiments with dioramas.

Anders Schei from DICE showed his experiments with dioramas in Houdini. The artist wanted to get to know Houdini better, so he decided to build a procedural generator that could be used in Unreal Engine.

Here is the breakdown from Anders: 

From start to finish after placing a HDA in a level


The boxes are instances from Houdini that can be swapped with static meshes in Unreal

Showing some of the parameters that can be changed inside Unreal. The splines controls the forest path

After tweaking all the settings, the whole thing can be baked down to a regular blueprint

Anders Schei, Artist at DICE

The post was originally published here

Published 10 October 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head