Procedural Level Building in UE4 with Houdini

A session featuring Robert Magee talking about how you can create procedural assets in Houdini that can be used to build game levels in UE4.

SideFX shared a session featuring Robert Magee talking about how you can create procedural assets in Houdini that can be used to build game levels in UE4.

The developer discussed how to create these assets in Houdini’s node-based environment and how to deploy them using the Houdini Engine for UE4 plug-in.

Looking for more details on procedural level generation? Anastasia Opara who does extraordinary things with procedural technology. She mastered the art of Houdini and created a new powerful workflow, which allows to generate countless realistic architectural elements for AAA-projects. You can find our interview with the artist here

Published 07 August 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head