Project: Knoxville – Open Game Development from Microsoft

Microsoft’s Press Play is building a mutliplayer game and you can join the fun right now!

Project Knoxville is a very interesting project, currently developers by Press Play. The team applies transparent development process, with users playing current betas and giving their feedback. The game itself is a 3rd person multiplayer action-survival. Players must work together and against each other to win the fight. You take part in a sadistic game show, similar to ‘The Hunger Games’ and ‘The Running Man’. The biggest difference from the aforementioned movies, is that all contestants can survive if they work together. Of course, not all players share this idea.

Project: Knoxville also looks very interesting. The game’s concepts look a little bit similar to the Little Devil Inside. It’s low poly with very simple animations and character design. The environments are big, rich and filled with a lot of things to do. Looks really interesting.

The production is helmed by Mikkel Thorsted – the co-founder of Press Play. He’s very invested in this project and it seems like the game has s lot of potential. Plus Microsoft’s support will definitely help to make this project available worldwide. It’s great that Press Play tries to keep things so transparent. We’ll see how it will help the devs to build a loyal community and push out a fun game.


Published 14 December 2015
Kirill Tokarev