Quick Tips on Skewing in Toolbag 3

A follow up video on the features of Marmoset Toolbag 3 from experienced 3d artist Warren Marshall.

Marmoset has recently released an amazing new version of Toolbag. The third installment has tons of possibilities like a tool for dealing with skewing. Experienced 3D artist Warren Marshall has just published a follow up video to give a look at this feature. 


Our artist-friendly baking tools provide the instant feedback needed to revolutionize your texturing workflow. Real-time updates, bake groups and interactive 3D painting makes baking a piece of cake.

For those of you unfamiliar with his career, Warren is a freelance 3D artist-for-hire who specializes in hard surface props and environment art. He worked at Epic Games for over 15 years doing everything from programming, to level design, to environment art. 

Warren has other useful videos on all kinds of tools, which you can find here

Published 17 January 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head