Rain of Reflections: Cyberpunk Noir RPG

This new game is led by the former game journalist, who’s using Unity and Dynamixyz to build a high-quality 3d adventure.

This new game is led by the former game journalist, who’s using Unity and Dynamixyz to build a high-quality 3d adventure.

Cyberpunk games are definitely the latest craze right now. With Cyberpunk 2077 big reveal somewhere around the corner (at least we hope so), we’re more than happy to welcome another game to this setting – Rain of Reflections.

Rain of Reflections is a cyberpunk-flavored role-playing game. Its got turn-based strategic confrontations, which are centered around a morale mechanic. Every move and choice made by the player is permanent and will have consequences on the world and its characters.

Rain of Reflections is a Swedish project, developed by Lionbite Games. This is a pretty small studio, led by Victor Lionhead. This guy has been writing about games for 15 years, but decided to change career paths and finally build his own game, which he produces and directs. He’s also a script writer.

Amir Briki works as a concept artist on this cyberpunk neo noir adventure. Before this he worked for Avalanche. Characters are created by Fredrik Ortmon, who’s actually a prominent game developer in Sweden. Has won no less than two consecutive Swedish Game Awards and developed a strange project Siege of Stockholm. Maria Norkvist works as a 3d artist and Kewin Lee Broberg does the lighting work. While the team might not be super experiences, the first story trailer of the game actually looks pretty sweet.

The game is powered by Unity. The engine performs really well here, showing a contrast and detailed image. Also, the team is using a very cool facial animation system Dynamixyz. It’s a very cool and affordable solution, which allows to quickly build nice talking expressions, without spending a lot of money on various gear. This tech was used in music videos for Coldplay and even powered the digital avatar during Paris Fashion Week.

This “story trailer” introduces the three main protagonists – Wilona, Dwennon and Imra – each with a unique perspective on the events that unfold. The player controls each one consecutively, shaping a unique story through choices along their intersecting paths.

Wilona, part of the societal upper class sheltered in the Stem, has faithfully been following in her father’s footsteps as a scientist, which has gotten her involved in experiments on human children.

Dwennon is a private investigator drifting in the shadows of his own past, retreated to one the city’s more rugged urban areas, called the Cluster.

Imra is a prominent part of the Infrareds, a resistance group struggling against the oppression, holed up in a bunker referred to as the Root.

We can expect to play this game somewhere around 2018. It will be available on PC.

Published 09 June 2017
Kirill Tokarev