Reallusion Releases AI Voice Actors Plugin for iClone

Here's a new free plugin for the users of Reallusion tools.

Reallusion and Replica Studios have recently announced the availability of AI Voice Actors, a free plugin that integrates Replica’s AI-based voice-generation system into Reallusion’s iClone animation toolkit.

The plugin allows you to generate a synthetic voice performance based on the script of a game or animation and then automatically create a corresponding facial animation inside iClone.

Replica Studios’ AI Voice Actor system, currently English only, lets users convert a script into a set of matching voice performances. When used with iClone's set of tools, developers can save tons of time and then tweak specific parts if needed. 

The plugin supports 40 AI voice actors, plus you can tweak the mood and speed of the AI-generated voice. The iClone integration plugin is free for iClone 7.92+. Learn more here. 

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Published 19 July 2021
Arti Sergeev
Business Head