Reditum: Abstract Puzzle in a Surreal World

Mustafa Senel and Ahmet Kutsi Gunaydin from Turkey introduced to a new adventure puzzle game Reditum, which looks like a dream a robot would have.

Reditum is a surreal themed adventure puzzle game. The basic premise is to find the key and go through the door for next level. It may sound easy, but in reality it would be incredibly complicated the devs have prepared hard puzzles and developed a craft and skill systems. You can collect particles (also hidden in levels) for crafting, learn and upgrade the skills like running, slow-motion and camera travel.

Using Unreal Engine 4

There are only two people working on Reditum. We are located on Samsun, Turkey. Reditum is our first project we hadn’t developed a game before.

We took a lot of inspirations from a game called SOURCE. To realize our vision, we have chosen Unreal Engine 4. It’s free and it provides a lot of features (Persona, Blueprint, Material Editor etc.) and these features give a huge advantage for indie developers.

Unreal Editor is also a great help for building the environments. By the way the flying pieces around the levels are made with Unreal Engine’s particles editor.

We are using directional and sky lights to achieve the best lighting conditions. We have baked the lights for optimization and achieving better quality. We also want to apply a lot of post-processing effects, which help to create truly epic visuals.

We had used Unreal Engine’s third person character and animations for pre-alpha footages but we have equipped a cloak to him by using NVIDIA PhysX Clothing. It has some collision problems but we are working on that issue.

Unreal Engine 4 has two options for programmers: C++ and Blueprint. We choose Blueprint. It’s a very flexible system and it’s much easier than C++.

Mustafa Senel & Ahmet Kutsi Gunaydin, Reditum dev team

Reditum is still early in the development. The devs want to publish the game somewhere in 2016. Before the release the team will run a campaign at Indiegogo. They also hope to go through Steam Greenlight.

Published 10 September 2015
Kirill Tokarev