Removing Quaternions from 3D Engines

Marc ten Bosch has recently shared his interactive introduction to rotors from geometric algebra.

Marc ten Bosch has recently shared his interactive introduction to rotors from geometric algebra. Let’s study it to learn something new. 

Marc ten Bosch states that there’s actually a better way that is called a rotor that is said to subsume both complex numbers (in 2D) and quaternions (in 3D) and generalize to any number of dimensions. They take some time to deal with, but the thing is that they are much easier to understand.

Plus, they do not require the use of the fourth dimension of space in order to be visualized and understood. Are you interested? The author states that this change is simple and the code remains almost the same. What is more, things like Interpolation and avoiding Gimbal lock are possible with a Rotor too. Yeah, the concept might sound quite complex, but it is worth it. Make sure to read the full article here

Published 05 November 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head