Rendering Wounds on a Skeletal Mesh in Unreal Engine

Here's a teaser for an upcoming effect for Unreal Engine published and created by Eddie Ataberk.

A Senior Technical Artist and Software Developer Eddie Ataberk has created a new feature that many Unreal Engine users will definitely find interesting. As you know, decals do not follow the bone deformations in Unreal Engine by default. That's why Ataberk created a lightweight skinned decal component to render wounds on a Skeletal Mesh and showed us how it works in the video above.

Ataberk is known for creating various useful plugins, if you are interested, you can learn more by visiting the author's ArtStation page.

Please consider supporting Ataberk if you want to speed up the process of UE5 Skinned Decals being available at Unreal Marketplace. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 08 September 2021
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content