Retopologising 3D Scans with Wrap 3

A very quick and effective way to work with scan data in Wrap3 from James Busby.

James Busby has presented a tutorial that will teach you how to easily retopologise scan data using the Wrap3. You’ll be able to repeat his tricks as there’s a 15 day free trial of Wrap3 for those who want to give it a go.
Wrap 3, in my opinion, is a must-have tool when working with scan data, quick and easy retopology using a good base mesh makes cleanup and editing so much easier compared to working with Zremeshed or dynameshed objects.

James Busby

Here is a little piece of the lesson:

Once we have both the base mesh and the 3D scan loaded into Wrap 3 we need to start defining reference points that will tell the software how to deform the base mesh to match the contours of the scan. To do this we need to add a “Select Points” node. Press “Tab” on the nodes window and select Selection > SelectPoints. Now simply connect the Base mesh and scan geometry nodes to the select points node as shown in the image below.  Clicking the “Editor : Point Corrospondencies” tab at the top of the 3d view window will give you a side by side view of the base mesh and the scan. 

What were going to do now is select “correspondence points” on the model in order to tell the software how to deform the base mesh. The basic idea is to place points in the same location on the scan as they are on the base mesh. For example, if you put a point on the elbow of the base mesh then also place one on the elbow of the scan. Rather than trying to explain this process with images I’ve made a video showing the entire point selection process below. In the video I’m manually rotating the view window to find the corresponding points on each of the models, you can, however, use the “Sync Views” toggle to align the two views. This works great if the base mesh and the scan are fairly similar but in this case its easier to do it manually as the T-Pose mesh is a very different shape to the scan with areas such as the elbows and hands occupying very different areas in 3d space. 

You will find the full tutorial here. Also, you can download Wrap3 and give a try for free.

Author: Artyom Sergeev
Published 21 November 2016
Arti Sergeev
Business Head