Sales of the Nioh Series Have Surpassed 7 Million Copies

After one year and one month after the series achieved 6 million copies sold, developer Team Ninjia shared that the franchise has reached a new milestone.

Publisher Koei Tecmo and developer Team Ninja revealed that the cumulative sales of the Nioh series have surpassed 7 million copies worldwide.

Team Ninja shared the news on Twitter thanking all the fans who supported the series since the release of the original game in 2017 and the launch of the sequel in 2020. The new milestone comes one year and one month after the developers revealed that the series reached six million units shipped.

The first part of the series initially launched on PS4 in February 2017 as a PlayStation exclusive but in November 2017, it was also released for PC. Nioh 2 was released in March 2020 on PS4, followed by the PC release in February 2021.

The Nioh Collection which includes remastered versions of both the original game and the sequel was also launched on PlayStation 5 in February 2021.

The remastered version for PlayStation 5 was met with rave reviews from critics, and a number of fans were anticipating the next part of the game. However, the developers stated that they are not planning to make Nioh 3 as they wish to focus on the creation of new titles using the experience the team gained from the Nioh series development.

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Published 27 October 2022
Ana Kessler