Setting Up One-Shot Sequences

Weiyo Sha presented his project prepared for a class on dynamic effects at Gnomon.

Weiyo Sha presented his project prepared for a class on dynamic effects at Gnomon. The goal here was to finish a shot with dynamic effects by using FractureFX and PhoenixFD. The whole thing kind of reminds of a famous scene from X-Men.

Thank you to my instructor J. Andres Berkstein for the help and advice. This project is inspired by a shot from the movie “Stalingrad”.

Responsible for all aspects except for the interior model and texture by my amazing friend Mido Lai. Don’t forget to check out his Artstation!

Weiyo Sha

What tools did he use? The artist relied on Maya, Fracture FX, Phoenix FD, Substance Painter, Speedtree, Vray, Nuke, and After Effects when working on the sequence.

Here are some screens with details:

You can learn more about the project by visiting the artist’s Artstation.

Published 02 November 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head