Simplify Scales Creation with This Houdini Digital Asset

Wout Tengrootenhuysen released version 1.0 of the tool.

Creating scales is usually not a simple task, so artist Wout Tengrootenhuysen has released a great Houdini Digital Asset that allows doing it easily. 

Scales HDA 1.0 offers a way to draw and edit guides and control the density, size, and growth direction of scales using smooth and intuitive controls. You can edit the shape of the scale type and link it to any existing guide. It also provides layer-based color editing and fast processing due to its GPU-accelerated nature.

The creator is planning to add more features in future releases:

  • Hero scales (draw custom scales around which the other scales grow)
  • A paint mode to control density/size/direction/color.
  • Wrinkles
  • A magic button that analyzes the input geo and sets density/size/direction/ automatically. Curvature-based for example.
  • A layer stack like the existing color layer feature but for blending scale types.
  • Viewer state controls/improvements (invert guides, multi-selection, shortcuts for editing guide settings, symmetry mode, etc.)
  • Ramp-controlled guide falloffs.

The product is compatible with Houdini 19.0-19.5 and is available on Gumroad for $100/year.

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Published 16 November 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor