Sketchfab Reached 3 Million Members

Congrats to the Sketchfab team!

Sketchfab was founded 8 years ago and now they reached the amazing milestone of 3,000,000 community members.

"As we’re still a relatively small team of 30 people, this milestone has the added satisfaction of there now being 100,000 community members for each member of our team," wrote the team. "We’re incredibly grateful to you, our community, for joining us in our ongoing 3D adventure!"

The team noted that 3 million community members are diverse in skills and interests; artists, downloaders, sellers, designers, brands, web developers, game studios, heritage organizations, scientists, and more joined the platform to share and discuss art, sell and buy pieces.

You can find the original blog post here

Preview art by Autumn Lee

Published 11 February 2020
Arti Sergeev
Business Head