Sketchfab Supports Clear Coat Materials

Sketchfab revealed another cool ability for 3D artists.

Sketchfab revealed another cool ability for 3D artists. Their online renderer now supports “Clear Coat” materials!

Clear coat derives its name from the automobile industry and is a term used to describe the glossy transparent coating that is sprayed on top of the underlying colored base coat giving vehicles that unique “car paint” look and providing a durable abrasion resistant surface against the outside world.

In 3D rendering terms, our new clear coat option provides an opportunity to add an additional layer to your materials with tint, thickness, roughness, and normals all while maintaining the same parameters for the material layer below giving you an incredible amount of control over the final result.

As the video shows, the effect, while typically used for automotive paint it’s not just limited to vehicles and can be used for any material where dual layers are helpful. Another good example is adding varnish to wood materials or syrup or sugar like materials where the thickness control can be used to simulate richness.

As always, for more information on our clear coat functionality, visit our help center.

Another Clear Coat example:

Pilatus PC-7 Mk-I SAFRedWhite by tivsol on Sketchfab

We can’t wait to see what you create. If you update existing models or share new ones using our clear coat feature, be sure to use the “clearcoat” tag. We’ll be keeping our eyes open for models that show off the feature’s full potential.


You can learn more here

Published 23 July 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head