Smooth Boolean 2 for 3ds Max Available

Check out the latest version adding a number of great features. 

KM-3D released Smooth Boolean 2, a new version of a commercial plugin for 3ds Max that lets artists create smooth transitions between ProBoolean meshes. The update adds the ability to handle low-poly meshes, brings improved handling when mixing meshes of different resolutions, and more. There's also improved strips selection, easier debugging, plus a cleaner output mesh. 

What is more, the latest version adds two useful new modifiers: the Smooth Bridge modifier to seamlessly bridge two open edgeloops even with an uneven edge count, plus the sbNormalMap modifier to restore smooth explicit normals on edited SmoothBoolean object.

You can learn more and get the plugin for 99€ here. 

Published 29 September 2020
Arti Sergeev
Business Head