Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Look Will Be Changed

The internet did not like Sonic’s look for the upcoming Sonic The Hedgehog movie, and it appears that the director of the film is ready to change this scary look.

The internet did not like Sonic’s look for the upcoming Sonic The Hedgehog movie, and it appears that the crew is ready to change this scary look.

Jeff Fowler replied to critics on Twitter:

“The message is loud and clear,” he said. “You aren’t happy with the design & you want changes. It’s going to happen. Everyone at Paramount & Sega are fully committed to making this character the BEST he can be.”

It’s impossible to say now whether this will lead to a design we want, but it would cool if they could create something similar to the design by Edward Pun we’ve featured. Perhaps they will just come up with their own design again. It appears that they have a lot of CG to redo before the movie’s release in November.

Make sure to discuss the story in the comments.

Published 03 May 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head