Sony Accidentally Listed Tekken 2 for $9,999 on the US PS Store

"What a marvelous price, Sony," said the game director Katsuhiro Harada.

Sony made a funny mistake listing Tekken 2 for $9,999 on the PlayStation Store when it launched its new PlayStation Plus tiers. Several Twitter users noticed the mistake, but Sony saw the price and changed it. The game director of Tekken decided to joke about the accident, too.

"What a marvelous price Sony," Katsuhiro Harada tweeted.

The mistake was made on June 13 when Sony's new PlayStation Plus was launched in North America. Classic games like Tekken 2 were added to the store. The game is only available as part of the new PlayStation Plus Premium tier, but it can also be bought as a standalone game on PS4 and PS5 (less than $9,999).

The thing is that the new service includes more than 700 games, so users can find a couple of other errors eventually. What's your take on the new PlayStation Plus tiers? Which one did you choose? Share your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 14 June 2022
Arti Sergeev
Business Head