Speed Material Design with Vitaly Okulov

Here’s a nice little video, which documents the whole process of creation an awesome stylized rock texture.

We often hear that Substance Designer can be a bit tricky to figure out, if you’re not accustomed to it. However, it’s never late to learn. Most recently prolific 3d artist Vitaly Okulov has published a video recording of him building the stylised rock material in SD.

What’ great about this project is that he takes the material from the very beginning and you can literally see all the actions he performs. There are no comments, and that’s a huge bummer. It would be better to have a decent commentary to understand the project better.

Another issue is that the video is sped up, but you can easily download it and slow down to have a look at all the details.

Published 24 March 2017
Kirill Tokarev