Spine 3.6 is Out

The latest version brings tint black, clipping, weight painting, and more.

Spine, an animation tool that focuses specifically on 2D animation for games, has been updated to v3.6. The update brings tint black, clipping, weight painting, and more. Check out the list of changes from the developers below. 


While the Spine Runtimes faithfully reproduce your animations in your games as you see them in the editor, it was previously only possible to review transitions in-game. In 3.6, you can now preview your animations using many of the same controls that are available to you at runtime, including modifying your setup pose and animations while the preview is running! The usefulness of seeing your animation at the same time you are editing that animation cannot be overstated.


The new clipping feature lets you define a polygonal area, similar to a bounding box attachment, that will mask other slots in the draw order. The clipping area can be any concave polygon without holes and self-intersection. You can also animate the clipping area vertices. Only one clipping area can be active at a time.

Clipping is implemented CPU-side in all runtimes, as most engines do not support direct stencil buffer access or masking. Clipping can be a very expensive operation, especially if you use dense mesh attachments. Always check the performance of your clipped animations on your target platforms.

Tint black

This makes for more powerful tinting so you get more out of your images. You can do some nice effects, like the Super Mario invincibility star flashing, solid color outlines, inverted colors, and more. It can also look nice when using additive, screen, or multiply blend modes.

Tint black is supported by all runtimes except spine-ts Canvas, spine-corona and spine-sfml due to API limitations of the respective framework/engine.

Mesh manipulation tools

Modifying vertices in a dense mesh attachment is now considerably easier with improved mesh manipulation tools. You can now select multiple vertices through soft selection and then scale, translate and rotate the selected vertices as a group! Feathered soft selections will apply your transforms only partially.

Weight painting

In tandem with new mesh manipulation tools, we’ve also introduced weight painting tools. The weight painting tools come with feathered brush support and different weighting modes, complimenting the existing automatic and manual weighting functionality.

Point attachments

This new type of attachment is a point in space and a rotation, which is transformed by parent bones like you’d expect. It can be used to spawn particles or do anything else that involves a position and/or rotation. Point attachments have one advantage over bones: a point attachment can go in a skin, so the position and rotation can change for different skins. For example, different guns may shoot from different positions.

Improved file dialogs

Many workflows involve working in a handful of directories. We’ve introduced new file dialogs that show you recently opened project files and often used directories. You can explicitly favorite a file or folder for it to show up at the top of the list. Right clicking an entry will remove it from the list. The filter box allows you to quickly filter for files by parts of their name. We’ve also added a few hot keys to make your file browsing even more efficient. Pressing enter will chose the most recent file or folder, pressing spacebar will immediately open the OS file dialog if you can’t find the file or folder you want in your recently used lists.


You can find more information on the newest version here.

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Published 21 June 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head