SplineOffset – Free Modifier For 3DS Max

iToo Software, the company behind Forest Pack and RailClone, has revealed a new free plugin for 3DS Max called SplineOffset.

iToo Software, the company behind Forest Pack and RailClone, has revealed a new free plugin for 3DS Max called SplineOffset. It is is a modifier that lets users clone splines while allowing to increase or decrease their offset, translation, and rotation.

The team states that it is similar to 3ds Max’s built-in array tool combined with a sophisticated spline offset function, but there are two benefits: “Firstly, SplineOffset is fully parametric so you can change or animate the number of clones, the size of the offsets, and their distribution at any time; Secondly, and for the first time as a modifier, SplineOffset is able to automatically heal overlapping splines,” states the official description.

Нщг can also set, offset and sequence material IDs, there’s a choice of five end types for open splines, plus the options to specify three types of corner bevel.

The tool features two offset algorithms: the fully-featured 2D algorithm to heal overlapping splines (flattens the original spline on the Z-axis) and the 3D algorithm to retain the original shape of the spline on the Z-axis.

You can learn more and get the tool here.

Published 20 August 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head