Square Enix Formed A New R&D Division

The new team will be looking for ways to use AI technologies for entertainment projects. 

SQUARE ENIX HOLDINGS established SQUARE ENIX AI & ARTS Alchemy Co., Ltd. that will focus on R&D projects in the field of entertainment AI. The team will study ways to apply artificial intelligence technologies in the realm of digital entertainment.

"To spread happiness across the globe by providing unforgettable experiences” is the corporate philosophy that guides the Square Enix group in businesses that include digital entertainment, publication, amusement, and merchandising," wrote the team. |Among the group’s vast technology portfolio, the AI and artistic technologies such as computer graphics used in its games have particular potential to contribute to a wide range of entertainment domains beyond the scope of its existing businesses."

Little is known about the division's current plans, but it is said that they want to use AI not only to games but to the whole concept of “entertainment AI.” You can learn more here

Published 31 May 2020
Arti Sergeev
Business Head