Standalone GhostTown In The Works

A video from Kristian Larsen reveals that the artist is working on a new standalone version of GhostTown.

A video from Kristian Larsen reveals that the artist is working on a new standalone version of GhostTown. The tool is an urban area/city generator script which was originally created for 3DS Max. 

The video showcases the latest version of the tool running in a standalone node-based editor with a number of features for creating entire buildings, streets, and cities. The script also brings support for terrains and other advanced tools.

“GTSA is a new and fast standalone version of the Ghosttown maxscript, new node-based interface with many possibilities. Final meshes can be exported to obj,” states the artist.

Want to join the beta? Buy the current Ghosttown 1.0 Max scrip to gain access to GTSA on the forum with all previous versions of Ghosttown included. The license would cost you €90.

Published 11 October 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head