Starmancer: Pixel Art Take on Dwarf Fortress

Two guys are creating a lovely homage to one of the best loved rogue like strategy games out there.

Two guys are creating a lovely homage to one of the best-loved rogue like strategy games out there.



Starmancer looks absolutely amazing. This is something you should know from the very beginning. It’s got outstanding pixel art design and beautiful set of environments. The development team is pretty small: Tyler – coder and Victor – artist. They are gathering some funds on Patreon, trying to fund their production. If you have an extra dollar to spare, subscribe. 

The game’s visual style combines beautiful 2d sprites and animations, with high-quality 3d elements, which help to fill the space with a lot of cool elements. The environments are procedural. Everything looks incredibly detailed. The development is still at the very early stages, so we expect to see more of the cool stuff in the nearest future.

Make sure to follow the game on Twitter. They often share a lot of interesting gifs there.

Published 24 July 2017
Kirill Tokarev