Substance Painter to Maya Arnold 5 Script

Lester Banks reported about a script from Mostafa Samir and a recent update contributed by teddude75.

Lester Banks reported about a script from Mostafa Samir and a recent update contributed by teddude75.

Mostafa Samir made work with Substance Painter and Maya a little bit easier. Usually, it may become quite a task to bring in all the materials and corresponding maps into a Maya shading network with Arnold 5. Sometimes it may require adding over a hundred of texture nodes. But not for long!

Mostafa Samir created a script that makes the whole process automated with his Substance Painter Importer script for Maya. That tool was created quite some time ago. It could load textures and material parameters from Substance Painter right in Maya. It also supported multiple materials and UDIM work flow.

The recent update from a Highend3D user, teddude75, allows the script to work with Maya 2018 and Arnold 5 presets.

This is set up the same way as the older version. You must have the following naming format. object_shaderGroup_Diffuse(shader channel). If it’s a FBX file in Substance then it will export texture with the shader name.


The script is free. Hopefully, you’ll find it useful.

Published 08 September 2017
Kirill Tokarev