TerraTex for Unity

Joe Patrick has recently added a real-time mode to his automated terrain texturing tool, TerraTex.

Joe Patrick has recently added a real-time mode to his automated terrain texturing tool, TerraTex. It is currently 40% off on the Unity Asset Store, so let’s have a look.

The tool can be described as an automated script to texture Unity Terrains based on a wide range of configurable parameters. The best thing here is that it is very easy to use, coming with a user-friendly interface and design.

It features customizable layers, with the option to use up to 12 textures for each, and several options for the distribution and blending of these textures.
Customisation options include sea level, snow altitude, cliff steepness, and texture perlin configuring.

Just grab the tool and create any terrain you want in just a couple of minutes — anything you need for your scene.  

You can learn more here

Buy the tool for $9 ($15)

Published 26 November 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head