That Leaked Image is Not From Red Dead Redemption 2

The image actually belongs to an upcoming MMO experience called Wild West Online.

Remember a leaked image from a Grand Theft Auto forum with a cowboy looking like John Marston? It wasn’t Red Dead Redemption actually. It appears that the image belongs to ‘Wild West Online‘, an upcoming open-world PvP MMO. The game will you a chance to form gangs, which will either break or defend the law, roam the hinterlands, or visit local saloons. PC Gamer published an exclusive interview with Stephan Bugaj, creative vice president of the company behind the game.

The studio behind Wild West Online will launch a $250,000 Kickstarter this month. The creators are now working on  a core version of the game, which is said to be presented later this year. PC gamers won’t be able to taste RDR2, but they will have a chance to play something similar. 

The funniest thing is that the team the newly formed 612 Games consists of PC gamers tired of waiting for a proper Red Dead Redemption on PC.

Wild West Online is said to be more than just a PC version of Red Dead Redemption’s multiplayer. Players will get a chance to specialize as gatherers, prospectors who mine for gold or farmers, who will contribute to the game’s player-driven economy. Wild West Online will also feature a crafting system that relies on finding and learning recipes as well.

What is more, the game might not feature a progression or skill system. “It’s something that we’re still kicking around,” Stephan Bugaj said. “There’s going to be story, character, and gameplay-driven motives to keep playing, but we haven’t yet fully worked out what the progression system is going to be for that.” 

So, PC fans might get a chance to play something similar to Rockstar’s masterpiece, something really beautiful. You can find more details on the upcoming experience here

Published 12 May 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head