The Art of No Man’s Sky

Take a look at the collection of concept art from recently released No Man’s Sky. Despite being procedurally generated, the

Take a look at the collection of concept art from recently released No Man’s Sky. Despite being procedurally generated, the game has its own unique style, which makes it look like a science fiction book cover come to life.


No Man’s Sky is procedurally generated, but we always want it to have a unique recognisable style, to look like a science fiction book cover come to life.

This is only possible because of our super-talented art team. When we talk about No Man’s Sky, we like to talk about the maths involved in creating the visuals, but really it’s our artists that give the game its beautiful style.

We wanted to try and explain how it works with a quick video, because it’s very different to any other game we’ve worked on.

Hello Games


Published 10 August 2016
Arti Sergeev
Business Head