The Development History of Alpha Protocol

Eurogamer shared a fantastic article, talking about the development of Obsidian’s spy RPG.

Obsidian Entertainment made a lot of games. It helped to create Baldur’s Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity. Among these great projects, there’s one hidden gem – Alpha Protocol. Eurogamer did a great job on researching the history of this game and told us how it was developed.

Alpha Protocol is basically a James Bond RPG about an American spy, who goes on different missions, kill bad guys and saves girls. But behind this simple premise lies a ton of work. It was developed with Unreal Engine 3 back in 2016, when the engine was not really that ready. The project was developed at the same time with Aliens: Crucible, which was later canceled.

It was a troubled development, which dragged for ages, went through the various changes. It was never a huge success, but somehow it got a lot of love. It’s great to see such a lovely story about its development.

Published 12 September 2017
Kirill Tokarev